About Us

We believe every student is a winner. They need proper direction and right approach to be successful.

scholarshipexampapers.com test series is to bring out winning qualities in each student.

“Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes you perfect.”

We believe in the age old principle that Perfection comes with Practice. Keeping this in mind, a large Question Paper Bank of Test papers with Solutions is available to students for anytime practice.

Scholarship Examination Online Test Series brings for the very first time students of Maharashtra exposure to more than 7000 questions. Students will have a proper and organized option of learning, understanding and studying in the comforts of their homes and save their precious travel time.

Highly trained team with experience in the Maharashtra Scholarship exam papers will focus towards giving maximum practice to students for preparation of exam.

Our Institute (All Green Consulting) Provides Online Test Series for preparation of Written Test
Contact us at info@scholarshipexampapers.com